- Kagenishi T, Baluška F, Yokawa K (2022) Stress-induced ethanol affects endocytic vesicle recycling and F-actin organisation in Arabidopsis root apex cells. Environmental and Experimental Botany (in press)
- Scherzer S, Huang S, Iosip A, Fuchs I, Yokawa K, AL-Rasheid KAS, Heckmann M, Hedrich R (2022) Ether anesthetics obstructs touch-induced trigger hair calcium-electrical signals preventing excitation of the Venus flytrap. Scientific Reports 12:(1).click
- Yokawa K, Kodama K (2021) A green light- excitable FRET system for monitoring intracellular calcium levels in plant cells. Plant Signaling & Behavior 1963104. click
- Ueda T, Murata M, Yokawa K (2021) Single wavelengths of LED light supplement promote the biosynthesis of major cyclic monoterpenes in Japanese mint. Plants 10(7): 1420. click
- Ashibe S, Irisawa K, Yokawa K, Nagao Y (2021) Mechanism of the adverse effect of hyaluronidase used for oocyte denudation on early development of bovine embryos. Zygote 24: 1-5. click
- Baluška F, Yokawa K (2021) Anesthetics and plants: Sensory systems and cognition-based adaptive behavior implicate that plants are not senseless automatons. Protoplasma 258(2): 449-454. click
- Honma Y, Adhikari P, Kuwata K, Kagenishi T, Yokawa K, Notaguchi M, Kurotani K, Toda E, Bessho-Uehara K, Liu X, Zhu S, Wu X, Kasahara R (2020) High-quality sugar production by osgcs1 rice. Communications Biology 3: 617. click
- Wan Y*, Yokawa K*, Baluška F (2019) Arabidopsis roots and light – Complex interactions. (*Equal contribution) Molecular Plant 12(11): 1428-1430. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Baluška F (2019) Anesthetics, anesthesia and plants. Trends in Plant Science 24(1): 12-14. click
2018 (以下、北見工業大学へ着任以前)
- Yokawa K*, Kagenishi T*, Pavlovic A, Gall S, Weiland M, Mancuso S, Baluška F (2018) Anesthetics stop diverse plant organ movements, affect endocytic vesicle recycling, ROS homeostasis, and block action potentials in Venus flytraps. (*Equal contribution) Annals of Botany 122(5): 747-756. click
- Yokawa K, Baluška F (2018) Fish and plant sentience: anesthetized plants and fishes cannot respond to stimuli. Animal Sentience 21(6). click
- Yokawa K, Baluška F (2018) Sense of space: Tactile sense for exploratory behavior of roots. Communicative & Integrative Biology e1440881. click
- Qu Y, Liu S, Bao W, Xue X, Ma Z, Yokawa K, Baluška F, Wan Y (2017) Expression of root genes in Arabidopsis seedlings grown by standard and improved method. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18: E951. click
- Inokuchi R, Yokawa K, Kawano T. (2017) Fluorometric analyses of metal-binding motif occupancy with copper in histatins 5 and 8 required for generation of superoxide anion. International Journal of Biological Sciences (in press)
- Chan Z*, Yokawa K*, Kim WY*, Song CP*. (2016) ROS: the key message during plant abiotic stress response. (*Equal contribution) Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1536. click
- Baluška F, Yokawa K, Mancuso S, Baverstock K. (2016) Understanding of anesthesia – Why consciousness is essential for life and not based on genes. Communicative & Integrative Biology 9(6): e1238118. click
- Suzuki H*, Yokawa K*, Nakano S, Yoshida Y, Fabrissin I, Okamoto T, Baluška F, Koshiba T. (2016) Root cap-dependent gravitropic U-turn of maize root requires light-induced de novo auxin biosynthesis via YUC-pathway in root apex. (*equal contribution) Journal of Experimental Botany 67: 4581-4591. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Baluška F. (2016) UV-B induced generation of reactive oxygen species promotes formation of BFA-induced compartments in cells of Arabidopsis root apices. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1162. click
- Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2016) TOR complex: switch for emergency in root behavior. Plant Cell Physiology 57: 14-18. click
- Kagenishi T, Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2016) MES buffer affects Arabidopsis root apex zonation and root growth by suppressing superoxide generation in root apex. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 79. click
- Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2016) Plant roots as excellent pathfinders: root navigation based on plant specific sensory systems and sensorimotor circuits. In: Advances in Unconventional computing, Volume 2: Prototypes, Models and Algorithms, pp. 677-685, Springer. click
- Kagenishi T, Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2016) Dynamic regulation of endocytic vesicle recycling and PIN2 localization in Arabidopsis roots under varying light qualities. Environmental Control in Biology 54: 51-55. click
- Zerrouk ZI, Benchabane M, Khelifi L, Yokawa K, Ludwig-Müller J, Baluška F. (2016) A Pseudomonas strain isolated from date-palm rhizospheres improves root growth and promotes root formation in maize exposed to salt and aluminum stress. Journal of Plant Physiology 191: 111-119. click
- Manoli A, Trevisan S, Voigt B, Yokawa K, Baluška F, Quaggiotti S. (2016) Nitric oxide-mediated maize root apex responses to nitrate are regulated by auxin and strigolactones. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 1269. click
- Kawano T, Kagenishi T, Kadono T, Bouteau F, Hiramatsu T, Lin C, Tanaka K, Tanaka L, Mancuso S, Uezu K, Okobira T, Furukawa H, Iwase J, Inokuchi R, Baluška F, Yokawa K. (2015) Production and removal of superoxide anion radical by artificial metalloenzymes and redox- active metals. Communicative & Integrative Biology 8(6): e1000710. click
- Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2015) C. elegans and Arabidopsis thaliana show similar behavior: ROS induce escape tropisms both in illuminated nematodes and roots. Plant Signaling and Behavior 10(11): e1073870. click
- Mo M, Yokawa K, Wan Y, Baluška F. (2015) How and why do roots sense light under the soil surface? Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 775. click
- Wu D, Shen H, Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2015) Overexpressing OsPIN2 enhanced aluminium internalization by elevating vesicular trafficking in rice root apex. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (21): 6791-6801. click
- Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2014) Pectins, ROS homeostasis and UV-B responses in plant roots. Phytochemistry 112: 80-83. click
- Yokawa K, Fasano R, Kagenishi T, Baluška F. (2014) Light as factor to plant roots – case of root halotropism. Frontiers in Plant Science 5: 718. click
- Yokawa K, Koshiba T, Baluška F. (2014) Light-dependent control of redox balance and auxin biosynthesis in plants. Plant Signaling and Behavior 9. pii: e29522. click
- Wu D, Shen H, Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2014) Alleviation of aluminium-induced cell rigidity by overexpression of OsPIN2 in transgenic rice roots. Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (18): 5305-5315. click
- Grémiaux A, Yokawa K, Mancuso S, Baluška F. (2014) Plant anesthesia supports similarities between animals and plants: Claude Bernard's forgotten studies. Plant Signaling and Behavior 9(1). pii: e27886. click
- Yokawa K, Derrien-Maze N, Mancuso S, Baluška F. (2014) Binary decisions in maize root behavior: Y-maze system as tool for unconventional computation in plants. International Journal of Unconventional Computing 10(5-6): 381-391. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Baluška F. (2013) Root photomorphogenesis in laboratory-maintained Arabidopsis seedlings. Trends in Plant Science 18: 117-119. click
- Xu W, Ding G, Yokawa K, Baluška F, Li Q, Liu Y, Shi W, Liang J, Zhang J. (2013) An improved agar-plate method for studying root growth and response of Arabidopsis thaliana. Scientific Reports 3: 1273 doi:10.1038/srep01273 click
- Yokawa K, Baluška F. (2013) UV-B perception in plant roots. In: Climate change and abiotic tolerance, Wiley, Germany.
- Inokuchi R, Yokawa K, Okobira T, Uezu K, Kawano T. (2013) Fluorescence measurements revealed two distinct modes of metal binding by histidine-containing motifs in prion-derived peptides, Current Topics in Peptide & Protein Research 13: 111 - 118. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Furukawa H, Kawano T. (2012) Comparison the superoxide-generating activities of plant peroxide and the action of prion-derived metallopeptides: Towards the development of artificial redox enzymes. Current Topics in Peptide & Protein Research 12: 35-50. click
- Goto K, Kadono T, Yokawa K, Kawano T. (2011) Model toxicity assay for amino acid derivatives using green paramecia: Comparison of natural amino acids and N-acetylated non-protein amino acids. Current Topics in Peptide & Protein Research 12: 29-34. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Kawano T, Mancuso S, Baluška F. (2011) Illumination of Arabidopsis roots induces immediate burst of ROS production. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6(10): 1460-1464. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Kawano T. (2011) Prevention of oxidative DNA degradation by copper-binding peptides. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 75(7): 1377-1379. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Kawano T. (2011) Superoxide generation catalyzed by the ozone-inducible plant peptides analogous to prion octarepeat motif. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6(4): 477-482. click
- Yokawa K, Kadono T, Suzuki Y, Suzuki T, Uezu K, Kawano T. (2011) DNA-mediated sensitive detection and quantification of rare earth ions using polymerase chain reaction. Sensors and Materials 23(4): 219-228. click
- Kagenishi T, Yokawa K, Kadono T, Uezu K, Kawano T. (2011) Copper-binding peptides from human prion protein and newly designed peroxidative biocatalysts. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 66(3-4): 182-190. click
- Okobira T, Kadono T, Kagenishi T, Yokawa K, Kawano T, Uezu K. (2011) Copper-binding peptide fragment-containing membrane as a biocatalyst by radiation-induced graft polymerization. Sensors and Materials 23(4): 207-218.
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Kawano T. (2010) Cypridina luciferin analog, CLA as a probe for the enzymatic reaction of superoxide generation catalyzed by copper-binding hexapeptide found in chicken prion protein. Luminescence 25(2): 139.
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Kawano T. (2009) Effects of water salinity on the cold-induced suspended animation and irreversible damages in Oryzias lapipes: Experimental eco-physiology predicting the seasonal changes in limnological fish distribution. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management 19(4): 195-200. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Kawano T. (2009) Thermo-stable nature of aromatic monoamine-dependent superoxide-generating activity of human prion-derived Cu-binding peptides. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 73(5): 1218-1220. click
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Goto K, Kawano T. (2009) Free tyrosine and tyrosine-rich peptide-dependent superoxide generation catalyzed by a copper-binding, threonine-rich neurotoxic peptide derived from prion protein. International Journal of Biological Sciences 5: 53-63. click
- Kagenishi T, Yokawa K, Kuse M, Isobe M, Bouteau F, Kawano T. (2009) Prevention of copper-induced calcium influx and cell death by prion-derived peptide in suspension-cultured tobacco cells. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 64(5-6): 411-417. click
- Kagenishi T, Yokawa K, Lin C, Tanaka L, Tanaka K, Kawano T. (2009) Chemiluminescent and bioluminescent analyses of plant cell responses to reactive oxygen species produced by newly developed water conditioning apparatus equipped with titania-coated photocatalytic fibers Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. ISBN-13 978-981-283-957-2, pp. 27-30.
- Yokawa K, Kagenishi T, Kawano T. (2009) Use of Cypridina luciferin analog for assessing the monoamine oxidase-like superoxide-generating activities of two peptide sequences corresponding to the helical copper-binding motif in human prion protein and its model analog. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. ISBN-13 978-981-283-957-2, pp. 27-30.
- Yokawa K, Kawano T. (2007) Lack of Correlation between the Rates of Local Industrial and Household Energy Consumptions and the Seasonal Outbreaks of Tropospheric Photochemical Oxidants in Two Japanese Cities. ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies & Medicine 8(6): 708-712.
- Yokawa K. (2007) An Approach for the Computational Simulation of Plant Cell Responses to Environmental Stimuli by Using NEURON. ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies & Medicine 8(4): 83-87.
- Lin C, Kadono T, Suzuki T, Yoshizuka K, Furuichi T, Yokawa K, Kawano T. (2006) Mechanism for temperature-shift-responsive acute Ca2+ uptake in suspension-cultured tobacco and rice cells. Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 52(2): 83-89.
- Yokawa K, Suzuki N, Kawano T. (2004) Ethanol-enhanced singlet oxygen-dependent chemiluminescence interferes with the monitoring of biochemical superoxide generation with a chemiluminescence probe, Cypridina luciferin analog. ITE Letters on Batteries, New Technologies & Medicine 5(1): 49-52.